Internal linking Fact : A website has a maximum amount of PageRank that is distributed between its pages by internal links. The maximum PageRank in a site equals the number of pages in the site * 1. The maximum is increased by inbound links from other sites and decreased by outbound links to other sites. We are talking about the overall PageRank in the site and not the PageRank of any individual page. You don't have to take my word for it. You can reach the same conclusion by using a pencil and paper and the equation. Fact: The maximum amount of PageRank in a site increases as the number of pages in the site increases. The more pages that a site has, the more PageRank it has. Again, by using a pencil and paper and the equation, you can come to the same conclusion. Bear in mind that the only pages that count are the ones that Google knows about. Fact : By linking poorly, it is possible to fail to reach the site's maximum PageRank, but it is not possible to exceed it. Poo...